Monday, June 25, 2012

'Kerala belongs to which state in India?'

That was not a question from any non-Kerala kindergarten kid.... that was from a HDFC bank employee to me last Saturday when i was submitting my documents to take a new account....
Last one week shuttling up and down to the HDFC bank was an experience, especially experience of north India... In kerala, if u find a person working in a bank, u assume him or her to be well educated.... they always treat u well in bank.... After being treated by banks in that manner back home, the sub-standard behaviour of bank employees in a reputed bank like HDFCin Delhi surprised and shocked me...
A bank employee who doesn't know about the states of India... who doesn't know whether Kerala is a state or a city or a town, how on earth he got a job in such a prestigious bank!!!!!!! Whether he was trying to ridicule a south indian, i don't know... but a behaviour like that is worth firing that person.... The question angered me first, and i asked him whether he attended any school in like or studied geography.... his shameless reply was 'i am not familiarised with south'.... asif south India is some remote area where there is no electricity etc.... He was mentioning about a place where the literacy rate is the highest in India.... 
What made the whole incident funny was when i looked at the logo of the HDFC bank, which says 'We understand your world'.... i can add, '... but we dont understand you  at all in North, 'cos we have only illiterate employees here'!!!!!!! 
But one thing these fellows dont know is the power of social media... I updated the incident in twitter/facebook...  immediately it got attention even from the bank's twitter handler.... Glad my message reached somewhere....
What i want to tell HDFC again is; all your bank has is just a name... u have employed only illiterate people who dont have any general knowledge outside the1km area around them.... shame on you HDFC..... 

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