Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Dont ever mistake my silence for ignorance or my kindness for weakness"

"Dont ever mistake my silence for ignorance or my kindness for weakness"
This quote is summing up my attitude these days.
I consider myself as a calm person most of the time. I don't like to jump around or be a show-off. Most of the time I like to live in my own world.
But what irritates me is when people mistake my calmness or silence for dumbness... Some people here, just had a first hand experience on what will happen if they irritate me...
I wont stand anyone irritating me in any way... Be nice, i will play nice... Don't ever try to sit on my head, because i can shake anyone off from my life...
May be i sound selfish... But i was selfless for too long, and it ended up with me at the receiving end... I don't want history like that repeat over and over... 
Time to be selfish.... and move on boldly with my life...

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