Saturday, February 2, 2008

The call of work...

Recently the most frequent question people ask me is regarding one thing; work!!! How is the work now? How far is the thesis? And people who never see me often around.... ‘Oh, so you submitted the thesis?’... The answering part is becoming difficult these days... Final year of the research... the pressure from many sides to finish off and go from here... and the work being lagged behind out of expectation.... it’s all painful...

It’s not like I am not working... The call of work is more than before... But at the same frequency are the distractions... Get rid of the tensions, I am upto many things... and in the end it’s affecting the work... Worse?!!

Meeting my guide in the morning and having discussions, I will be having a ton of work to do for the day... Today I just took 1 hr to finish some and discuss again... But the brain stopped working and I was worried... To get rid of it only I am writing this blog (the problem of keeping my laptop near work)... In the end it’s my own research time I am wasting... But I am feeling better.... till may be my boss call and tell... “1 hr is over now... where are you?”... Let me go back to work now...

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